The Lutheran Podcast
I'm Rev. Eric Wolf, pastor of St. John Lutheran Church in Sudbury, MA ( This podcast mostly contains the sermons I preach there, though I may add more at some point. I believe strongly that the task of preaching is to engage Scripture as a mirror held up to our lives so that we can confront what we see with integrity. This image we engage helps us to understand what it means to be Children of God; gain perspective of what it means that our primary citizenship and allegiance belongs to God’s Kingdom; and discover how the love of God transforms what we see when we look at ourselves, the people in our lives, and the world that God so loves.
The Lutheran Podcast
Grieving Club Q and a World Made Too Small by Bigotry (Christ the King 2022)
My plan for Christ the King’s sermon was much different before waking up to news of the tragedy at Club Q. This didn’t happen in a vacuum, but it the predictable result of increasingly bigoted rhetoric in our cultural, political, and even religious dialogues.
Every day is the right time to say plainly that love leaves no room for any ideology that leaves no room for someone else.